Saturday, January 28, 2017

Arrived Safely in the US

Arrived safely in the US after a long flight.  Santiago to Miami, Miami to Charlotte and then Charlotte to Mobile.  Total time was about 20 hours.  Fortunately I can sleep on the plane.

In Mobile now visiting family, friends and doctors.  It's good time to get everything checked out!  So, with peace of mind and an enthusiastic spirit I am ready for the cruise.  I am anxious to get to San Francisco and start my journey.  I also have been shopping for clothing and assorted other goodies for the trip.

A friend of mine who works for one of the airlines will be in SFO the same time and we are meeting for dinner.  Since he has worked for the airlines for many years he was able to schedule a layover!!!!

Now I only worry about the weather ... last week there was a bad storm on the east coast.  I fly from Mobile to Charlotte and then to San Francisco.  Unfortunately when it snows in one part of the country, it messes up air travel all over the US and usually other countries too.

I am flying out to San Francisco 2 days early ... literally, I don't want to miss the boat!  (My friend tells me I worry too much!)

Still looking forward to having a great time!



  1. Bon Voyage, Bruce!!! I will be living vicariously through your posts! Safe travels, my friend!

  2. Travel safe!! Quite envious! Love you and be safe.

