Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Port Elizabeth, South Africa - April 17, 2017

Getting to Port Elizabeth (PE) was a challenge.  We had 36 hours of turbulent seas.  They type that wake up up at night and walking very difficult.  I found myself taking a motion pill and sitting the mid ship on a the third level. 

Scientifically that is the area where there is the least motion.  With all my many cruises and days at sea, this was the worst for me.  We did however get to Port Elizabeth safe and sound. 

Port Elizabeth is an industrial port city on the eastern coast of South Africa on the Indian Ocean.  There is a giant Volkswagen assembly which exports many thousands  of cars a year, supplying cars for those countries driving on the "wrong" (left) side of the road as they do in the UK.  There are a variety of beautiful beaches, museums, game reserves and tourist malls. 

Still having a good time.

Regards to all.



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