Monday, March 27, 2017

Hong Kong, China - March 26, 2017

Sailing in to and out of  Hong Kong is like being in the futuristic pavilions at Epcot and DisneyWorld.  Many tall, modern buildings and more concentrated neon and flashing lights than you'd see in Las Vegas.  Many of the manufacturers, hi tech companies, banks  have their names ion lights and flashing signs.

The harbor is very busy with lots of small boars and several ferries going to different parts of the harbor.  I was in Hong Kong about  12 years ago and the bright sunny skies  really bring tout the colorfulness of the city.  Unfortunately, the weather again, was dark and dreary.

Upon leaving Shanghai I started not feeling well and I soon realized I caught the flu /// I guess you crowd enough people to ether in close places he  you are liable to catch something.  So I spent almost 3 days in my cabin ... sleeping, drinking fluids and caring for my aching muscles and body.  I did not go on tour I had scheduled.

Instead I got off at the cruise terminal and tried to find my way to the street.  The Cruise Terminal is a series of glitzy, glamours shops and stores.  It was 3-4 levels and covered probably 2-3 blocks in length.

I am feeling better but am still taking it easy.  So I am resting more until our next port, Nha Trang, Vietnam on March 28th.

Still having a good time!

Regards to all,



  1. Being sick at sea is awful!! So glad you were able to get out and about, though! These photos are astonishing.... Thank you so much for sharing!! Miss you tons, but I'm so glad you are having this amazing experience!! Sending you love across the miles!!

  2. Ditto what Betsy said..Glad you are better though in the picture you look great! Im catching up with your blog today because of bad weather here..finally a break for me..
    stay well and enjoy
