Saturday, March 11, 2017

Okinawa, Japan - March 11, 2017

Okinawa, Japan - March 11, 2017 

The Okinawa region is the southernmost island in Japan.  Naha is the capital with a population of 315,000 and is part of the Ryukyu  Islands, an archipelago of 55 islands.  Okinawa was under US control from 1945 until 1972 when the island was returned to Japan after WW II.  There still is a military base on the island.  There are many buildings, Temples and shrines that have been rebuilt as a result of destruction during the way.

Unfortunately kit was a very rainy day and we could see the panoramic view of Naha and the harbor from the hilltop.  We did get to Shurijo Castle which is a beautiful example of a rebuilt shrine.

Spent some time walking the main street of Naha and saw all the shops and places to eat.  It reminded me of any Chinatown you've seen.  Lot's of junkie stuff being sold in stores and indescribable foods written in all Japanese.  Of course there is a Starbucks and McDonalds.

Ironically I bought a stuffed animal in the Pokemon store ... and when I looked at the tag it was made in China!

We are hitting ports more frequently now ... and still having too many formal nights!

About 40 days into the cruise and still having a good time.  

Regards to all.


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