Sunday, March 19, 2017

Kobe, Japan - March 20, 2017

We have returned to Kobe after a week sailing toward northern Japan and Korea.  Many people bought a Kobe to Kobe cruise portion that was for a week ... so about 600 guests got off today.

I decided to take the free shuttle from the ship to the central shopping district.  Found a Starbucks and that's where I am now catching up on correspondence and e-mails.

Nice arcade type malls with many shops and department stores.  People friendly and helpful.  When you as for something ... often they won't just tell you, but will take you there.

We are about 2 weeks too early for cherry blossom time in Japan.  Having seen foto's it is really spectacular, but lasts only a short time.  The foto is not cherry blossoms, but a similar type tree.

We are heading for  Shanghai, China tonight.

Still having a good time!

Regards to all.


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